

My name is LEECH.
I am 21 years old.
I'm from Selangor.
I believe in human rights...


Amnesty International
All Women's Action Society


Adrian Loo
Jason Heng
Bryan Chua
Mandy Man

Tuesday, April 24, 2007
In the previous post you may have noticed that i mentioned a bit abt the disparity between the salary of a male and a female for the same job. Ironically enough, today i found an article that further strengthens my convictions abt the issue (trust me, i really didn't go around looking for it). according to the article , not only a woman gets LESS PAY for doing the SAME JOB, but even if you are a MAN, and you WORK amongst WOMEN, YOU GET LESS PAY than the OTHER MALES who work amongst MEN. Furthermore, it's the worst if you work with overaged or underaged (mean age 30) women because these groups of women are considered not so "valuable". how's that for EQUALITY?

Moving on to more SERIOUS issues, and yeah i don't know what else is more serious than the above discrepancy between the wages of males vs. females; but i read in the Reader's Digest
today about this woman who suffered from severe burns (up to 86% of her body) before dying a painful death in the hospital bed in Lahore, Pakistan. And GUESS, just PLEASE PLEASE guess how did she get herself on fire? HER HUSBAND SET HER ON FIRE! and on her death bed, she pleaded with her mother, protecting her husband, saying that "he put out the fire and it was an accident in the kitchen" when her mom accused the bastard of setting her child aflamed. Now one question, how can this woman protect a man who has hurt her like this? It's totally beyond me.

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LEECH [ 12:18 PM ]


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