

My name is LEECH.
I am 21 years old.
I'm from Selangor.
I believe in human rights...


Amnesty International
All Women's Action Society


Adrian Loo
Jason Heng
Bryan Chua
Mandy Man

Monday, April 23, 2007
i just attended a seminar on human rights and women's rights during the past weekend and i'd have to say it's a very enlightening experience. i was not well aware of the fact that many people (women of the minority groups especially) are being marginalized and abused with regards to their rights. it is a sad thing, but it isn't enough to just be sad about it or just talk about it. we must DO something about it.

the biggest problem is actually indifference. people hear about stuff like that on the news but they don't do anything because it didn't happen to them or their loved ones. why do we detach ourselves from all these things? why can't we all be at least a little
selfless sometimes? and i don't want to point fingers at who is responsible for all this social ills...but GUYS, PLEASE DO SOMETHING RIGHT.when women's issues are being mentioned, whether it's in the media or in every day conversation, majority of the guys' reactions would be "it's not my problem. women are being leceh (troublesome)." it is rare to see guys who are in tune with women's issues and would actually stand up against injustice. (if you are a guy and you have continued reading up til now, GOOD ON YOU!)

i am not gonna start on the issues about women getting less pay than their male counterparts for doing the same job or on sexual harassment or rape or domestic violence because they are quite heavy and i don't wanna burden you people on the first post. but these issues are very real in our daily lives. let's not even begin with the government or try to blame the system JUST YET, because everything begins with the individual. if you don't do something about your rights, don't expect the system to do something about it. the question is, HOW?

Through education. first, we have to be aware of a problem before we can come up with solutions to it. so what do u know about human rights? if you don't, please refer to the universal declaration of human rights or SUHAKAM. Malaysia has signed a treaty with the United Nations to uphold the UDHR or at least work towards that standard. Although it is not compulsory for a member of the treaty to follow them and cannot be used in court, but it is something useful to bring to the attention of the public. and guess who didn't sign that treaty? THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. what's new? the way they are going with withholding people without trials in Guantanamo Bay , it would be surprising for them to sign that treaty. but Malaysia, in spite of it trying to look humane with signing the treaty, they are detaining people left and right under ISA .

so what is your stand? if you think, well it doesn't affect you, think again. and this time, think harder.

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LEECH [ 9:52 PM ]


  • CASTRADE PEOPLE THAT THINK WITH THEIR DICKS!!!!that will teach them to use their heads once in a while. And the US never signs any treaty with the UN. Guess that makes them dicks sometimes too.

    By Blogger Bryan, at April 23, 2007 at 10:41 PM  

  • "Through education. first,". that is damn right!

    you all must study kau kau to the core, so as to ensure good life in the future, then only will understand thoroughly about ur own HUMAN RIGHTS, then only ppl dare not "chuk barn chart". WAKE UP! DO NOT BECOME DAI LAN NGONG!


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 26, 2007 at 12:07 AM  

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